BS Tech Blog

First Python Program Part 3

Reorganization In this third part, we're going to add a graphic user interface option. This is where things will leave the command line and start looking like applications that most people are ac...

First Python Program Part 2

Arguments What are arguments? Simply put they are paramters (options) that are given to the application at the time that it's called to be run. We're going to use a built in Python Library calle...

First Python Program

Goal Every program starts with an idea. That idea is normally based around how to solve a problem. For the first program, it's going to sound like alot and it is. However we're going to take it...

Functions and Classes

Functions Programming can be oversimplified by saying that it is organizing repetative tasks that manipluate data into small containers. This is the point of abstractions. This particular exampl...

Learning the Basics of Python

What is the Goal of Programming Previously I stated that Python is basically a functional suedocode. I believe that as I have used Python for roughly 4 years on various projects. However before ...

Introduction to Python Programming

What is Python Python is a scripting language that is cross-platform and can be used for anything from automating small tasks to production web servers. It is a wonderfully easy language to learn...

Building Custom Profiles

What is PowerShell PowerShell started life as a Windows native alternative to bash or unix shell. It was built with the also Microsoft designed .Net Framework using the C# language. It was first...

Introduction to .Net Core Programming

What is .Net Core .Net Core is an extension of the .Net Framework that is designed first and formost to be cross-platform. It makes building command line programs and websites easy on the major d...